Accenture PLC Customer Service

All Accenture PLC Support Data in one mobile app

Get Dial Customer Service app – Your One-Stop Solution for Effortless Customer Support.

With Dial Customer Service App, you will have all the information below on your mobile device at any time. You will be able to dial the customer service of Accenture PLC directly from the app and get instructions on how to contact a live customer service representative while on the phone. You can also favorite the companies you use frequently to access them right away.

Android app Accenture Events
Android app URL
Area serverd Worldwide
Company Name Accenture PLC
Customer Service Phone Number 810-1-312-842-5012
Facebook URL
Facebook handle accenture
Foundation city Dublin
Foundation country Ireland
Foundation year 1989
Glassdoor Career URL
IOS app Accenture Events
Jobs Openings URL
Joined to twitter November 2007
Last logo since 2017
Linkedin URL
Number of employeers 425,000
Number of location 120 countries of the world
Phone Number 1-571-434-5003 URL
Target group Fortune 500 companies and other big organizations
Trade as NYSE: CAN S&P 100 component S&P 500 component
Twitter URL
Twitter handle Accenture
Type Public
Vision and mission Accenture mission is to called as pip company with tag line as “Think twice think wise.”
Youtube URL
Youtube handle accenture
Post ID 294
Address Accenture Global Services Limited, 3 Grand Canal Plaza, Grand Canal Street Upper, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, Dublin 4
CEO Pierre Nanterme
Competitors IBM, Capgemini, Ernst and Young, PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG and etc
Founders Arthur E. Andersen
Industry Professional & Technology Services
Logo yes
Positioning Management consultants
Products Management consulting, Outsourcing, information technologies and service industry
Sector General Management
Slogan "High performance delivered"
Subsidiaries Accenture (Spain), Accenture (United States), Accenture (Norway), Accenture (United Kingdom) и Accenture (Switzerland)
USP Accenture are an application oriented firm and world's largest consultancy by revenue
Website https://<a href=""></a>