Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. Customer Service

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Area serverd Worldwide
Company Name Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Facebook URL <a href=""></a>
Foundation city Honolulu
Foundation country USA
Foundation state Hawaii
Foundation year 1869
Glassdoor Career URL <a href=",32.htm/">,32.htm</a>
IOS app Alexander & Baldwin
IOS app URL <a href=""></a>
Jobs Openings URL <a href=""></a>
Linkedin URL <a href=""></a>
Number of employeers 3,709
Phone Number 1-808-525-6611
Trade as NYSE: ALEX S&P 400 Component
Type Public
Vision and mission "Our Vision. Seize the opportunity created by our assets, people and relationships to make Hawaii better. Create special places and experiences, and keep A&B at the forefront of Hawaii's business community for another 150 years by acting with an abiding respect for the state's communities, people, cultures and environment. Our Mission. Utilize our extensive resources, long history and deep relationships to improve Hawaii's communities, creating value for all stakeholders. Embrace innovation to transform our organization and make it more effective in an ever-changing business environment that presents new challenges and opportunities. Develop & manage real estate that enriches the daily lives of Hawaii's citizens. Enhance our islands through an array of operations ranging from diversified farming to paving and related businesses. Support our employees in the pursuit of their personal and professional goal.Support community organizations in their efforts to make Hawaii a better place. Seek out the best partners to complement our capabilities in pursuit of our Vision"
Post ID 405
Address 822 Bishop Street Honolulu, HI 96813
CEO Christopher J. Benjamin
Founders Samuel Thomas Alexander and Henry Perrine Baldwin
Industry Real Estate & Agriculture
Logo yes
Products Ocean transportation, container leasing, food products, and property development and management.
Sector Real Estate
Subsidiaries A&B Properties, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, East Maui Irrigation Co, Maui Brand Sugars, A&B Fleet Services
Website https://<a href=""></a>