LivingSocial Customer Service

All LivingSocial Support Data in one mobile app

Get Dial Customer Service app – Your One-Stop Solution for Effortless Customer Support.

With Dial Customer Service App, you will have all the information below on your mobile device at any time. You will be able to dial the customer service of LivingSocial directly from the app and get instructions on how to contact a live customer service representative while on the phone. You can also favorite the companies you use frequently to access them right away.

Android App LivingSocial - Local Deals
Android App URL
Area served Worldwide
Company Name LivingSocial
Customer Service Description LivingSocial Customer Service Phones
Customer Service Phone Number LivingSocial does not offer a phone customer service
Customer Service Working Hours available 24 hours a day seven days a week
Facebook URL
Facebook handle LivingSocial
Foundation Year 2007
Foundation city Washington
Foundation country US
Foundation state District of Columbia
Glassdoor Career URL,23.htm
IOS App LivingSocial - Deals & More
Instagram URL
Jobs Openings URL
Joined to twitter May 2008
Key Executives Gautam Thakar (CEO)
Linkedin URL
Parent organization Groupon
Twitter URL
Twitter handle livingsocial
Type Private company
Vision & mission "Our mission is to help local and national businesses grow by introducing them to high-quality new customers. We deliver compelling and cost-effective marketing solutions for businesses large and small and provide our partners with the tools to make our members their regulars"
Youtube URL
Post ID 1355
Address Washington, District of Columbia, US
CEO Gautam Thakar
Competitors Groupon
Founders Eddie Frederick, Aaron Batalion, Val Aleksenko, Tim O'Shaughnessy
Headquarters Washington, District of Columbia, US
Hours LivingSocial Opening Hours 24 hours a day seven days a week
Industry Internet Services
Logo Yes
Sector Internet