National Westminster Bank Plc Customer Service

All National Westminster Bank Plc Support Data in one mobile app

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With Dial Customer Service App, you will have all the information below on your mobile device at any time. You will be able to dial the customer service of National Westminster Bank Plc directly from the app and get instructions on how to contact a live customer service representative while on the phone. You can also favorite the companies you use frequently to access them right away.

Android App NatWest Mobile Banking
Android App URL
Area served UK
Company Name National Westminster Bank Plc
Customer Service Description NatWest Customer Support Phones
Customer Service Phone Number 03457-888-444
Customer Service Working Hours from 8am to 8pm Monday-Sunday
Facebook URL
Facebook handle NatWest
Foundation Year 1968
Foundation city London
Foundation country UK
Foundation date 18 March
Glassdoor Career URL,18.htm
IOS App NatWest Mobile Banking 4+
Instagram URL
Jobs Openings URL
Joined to twitter April 2011
Key Executives Sir Howard Davies (Chairman), Alison Rose (Chief Executive)
Linkedin URL
Number of employees 65,400
Parent organization NatWest Holdings
Phone Menu <p>Alternatively you can use the following other options available in the customer service phone menu:</p> <ul> <li>Press 1 or say “Mortgage”</li> <li>Press 2 or say “Credit cards”</li> <li>Press 3 or say “It is something else”</li> </ul> <p>If you say “It is something else” or press 3 in the above menu you will get the following sub-menu:</p> <ul> <li>Press 1 or say “Pay a bill”</li> <li>Press 2 or say “Make a transfer between accounts”</li> <li>Press 3 or say “To hear your balance”</li> <li>Press 4 or say “To hear your recent transactions”</li> <li>Press 5 or say “To order a statement”</li> <li>Press 6 or say “To order a checkbook or a paying-in book”</li> <li>Press 7 or say “It is something else”</li> </ul>
Phone Number 03457-888-444
Target Group Enterprises and individual investors
Twitter URL
Twitter handle NatWest_Help
Type Subsidiary company
Vision & mission "Our vision is to build the UK's most helpful bank"
Youtube URL
Post ID 464
Address London, United Kingdom
CEO Alison Rose
Competitors Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Bank and TSB
Headquarters London, United Kingdom
Hours NatWest Opening Hours Monday 8am to 8pm Tuesday 8am to 8pm Wednesday 8am to 8pm Thursday 8am to 8pm Friday 8am to 8pm Saturday 8am to 8pm Sunday 8am to 8pm
Industry Financial Services
Logo Yes
Positioning Complete Banking and financial solutions
Sector Banks
Slogan "We are what we do"
USP NatWest is the largest retail and commercial bank in the UK