WordPress Foundation Customer Service

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With Dial Customer Service App, you will have all the information below on your mobile device at any time. You will be able to dial the customer service of WordPress Foundation directly from the app and get instructions on how to contact a live customer service representative while on the phone. You can also favorite the companies you use frequently to access them right away.

Android App WordPress
Android App URL https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.wordpress.android&hl=en&gl=US
Area served Worldwide
Company Name WordPress Foundation
Customer Service Description WordPress Phone Customer Service
Customer Service Phone Number WordPress.com currently doesn't offer phone support
Customer Service Working Hours available 24 hours a day Monday-Friday for Personal, Premium, Business and eCommerce plans. For Business and eCommerce plans, weekend live customer support is also available
Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/WordPress/
Facebook handle WordPress
Foundation Year 2003
Foundation city San Francisco
Foundation country US
Foundation date May 27
Foundation state California
IOS App WordPress
IOS App URL https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wordpress/id335703880
Instagram URL https://www.instagram.com/wordpressdotcom/
Joined to twitter January 2007
Key Executives Matt Mullenweg (CEO)
Linkedin URL https://www.linkedin.com/company/wordpress
Number of employees 1,792
Target Group Internet users interested into blogging or content management & development
Twitter URL https://twitter.com/WordPress
Twitter handle WordPress
Vision & mission "WordPress is software designed for everyone, emphasizing accessibility, performance, security, and ease of use. We believe great software should work with minimum set up, so you can focus on sharing your story, product, or services freely. The basic WordPress software is simple and predictable so you can easily get started. It also offers powerful features for growth and success"
Youtube URL https://www.youtube.com/wordpress
Post ID 1263
Address San Francisco, California, US
CEO Matt Mullenweg
Competitors Wix, Squarespace, Webflow, Joomla!
Founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little
Headquarters San Francisco, California, US
Hours WordPress.com Opening Hours 24 hours a day seven days a week
Industry Web Hosting
Logo Yes
Positioning WordPress is positioned as a web software to create ‘beautiful' and effective websites or blogs
Sector Hosting
USP WordPress is a free and open source blogging platform with a professional touch
Website https://wordpress.org/